On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 05:18:04PM -0400, MLH wrote:
>  port-amd64/56987 - non-critical medium priority sw-bug
>     Certain usb devices can no longer be mounted on -current
> I posted it over a year ago but no action yet.

"No action" is not quite correct. No solution certainly.

This is nearly impossible to debug w/o the hardware at hands or you
narrowing it down to a concrete change in the USB code.

Is the GPS device easily available (e.g. via ebay)? What is it exactly?
I think the PR does not tell. Regular storage devices are hopeless,
you get different things with the same name every time you order one.

If you can not narrow it down (I failed to parse your reasoning in the
PR) you need to build kernels with usb/umass debug enabled and start
looking for where things go wrong (or differences to the working one
when both have huge debug levels enabled).


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