Ekkor: 2024. február 12. 11:12:22 CET, "Greg A. Woods" <wo...@planix.ca> írta:
>At Sun, 11 Feb 2024 10:39:36 +0100, Fekete Zoltán <fekete.zol...@minux.hu> 
>Subject: x86_64 assembly Hello World
>> I have played with GNU as and ld, and
>> subsequently created a "Hello World!"
>> program, which I could not find anywhere
>> else so far.
>Very nice!
>Here's my hello.s written in x86_64 assembler for NetBSD:
>       https://github.com/robohack/experiments/blob/master/thello.s
>Therein you will find a reference to the following page from whence I
>borrowed most of the implementation:
>       https://polprog.net/blog/netbsdasmprog/
>Also here's my example true(1) and false(1) written in x86_64 assembler:
>       https://github.com/robohack/experiments/blob/master/ttrue.s
>       https://github.com/robohack/experiments/blob/master/tfalse.s

I really appreciate your comprehensive comments.

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