Hi Martin,

Martin Husemann wrote:
  - the original issue reported here is*something else*  mangling/breaking
    a FAT file system and NetBSD not dealing with the result. This can
    either be a bug in Solaris or in NetBSD's interpration of the FAT
    file system format - we just don't know (yet).

    An image of a file system in broken state is absolutely required here
    to debug the issue.

    If the OP can't provide such an image, we need a*working recipe*  how
    to reproduce the issue, plus someone with a Solaris 10 installation
    to create the broken image, plus someone to debug the result.
    Currently we have neither the recipe nor someone with Solaris 10 installed
    willing to help.

I have here locally a Solaris 8 and Solaris 10 box - both sparc64, however no easy way mount stuff since they are servers. I think there are hard-to-access USBs in the back, if they can mount USB keys, I could try to reproduce. Never tried. It would be best if NetBSD could e.g. just refuse to mount, dive a system log and warn with fsck or try to be smart otherwise, not crash!


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