Yes, you can do that.  And mark them as fail, note state feature not merged
into Apache NetBeans. Not donated to Apache per NetBeans Dev.

Regards, .

On Sat, Apr 7, 2018, 2:18 PM Holman Zsolt <> wrote:

> Just a quick update on this:
> I am trying to run testing again the Bind feature with the latest 399
> build and found that there is still missing Bind menuitem.
> I checked this on NB8.1 and found that there is present the Bind feature.
> Could you please advise?
> I restarted the Build-testcase in Synergy with build 399, but expecting
> the same result...
> Should complete the tesztrun and simply refer the issue already raised?
> 2018. 04. 4, szerda keltezéssel 11.23-kor Efrem Mc ezt írta:
> Good morning, I would suggest either continue your test on the current and
> retest the entire spec with the latest build that address that fix. Or use
> the latest build, and restart from the beginning to reduce testing twice.
> If you read the artifact it states what fixes are incorporated into the
> incubator build.  We need to hear from other team members on their updates
> and status.
> Regards
> Efrem Mccrimon
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2018, 5:26 AM Holman Zsolt <> wrote:
> Hi Efrem,
> Unfortunately, I haven't completed Code Generation test yet. I am at 57%
> progress at the moment...
> Should I change for latest NB9.0 build to continue testing?
> Or just check NETBEANS-582 on the latest build?
> Regards,
> Zsolt
> 2018. 04. 4, szerda keltezéssel 00.14-kor Efrem Mc ezt írta:
> Hi Holman, are you available to test any other Test Specs or review them?
> I am cc Giuliano so he is included.  I assigned myself to some Test
> Assignment (Form File, Windows Config)
> Giuliano:
> I am doing the same testing on what was assigned to test on MacOS.  Is
> there anything you would like to test?  I understand we all have different
> timezone and limited time to test.
> Holman Zsoft completed:
> Form Editor - Beans Binding NetBeans 9.0
> Form Editor - Code Generation NetBeans 9.0
> Chuck was initially assigned to: (assigned to me by accident - I updated
> the Test Spec) - I can assign and have him retest.
> Form Editor - Component Inspector Test Specification NetBeans 9.0
> Form Editor - Component Palette Test Specification NetBeans 9.0
> Efrem McCrimon: Windows, MacOS
> Form Editor - Form File Compatibility Test Specification NetBeans 9.0
> Form Editor - Window configurable Test Specification NetBeans 9.0
> Form Editor - Component Inspector Test Specification NetBeans 9.0
> Form Editor - Component Palette Test Specification NetBeans 9.0
> Need your input as time permits on below.  Even if the testing was
> completed we can do regression testing and retest as new builds become
> available.  We can also state what JDK was used.
> We have the remaining Test Spec to review and test:
> They need to be Cloned to NB 9.0 verified and modified as needed.
> Form Editor - Grid Bag Customizer Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> <>
> Form Refactoring Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> <>
> Form Editor - Gaps Visualization Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> <>
> Form Editor - Property Editors NetBeans 7.4
> <>
> Form Editor - Internationalization NetBeans 7.4
> <>
> What is the status with the Team?  Should we have an IRC meeting?  I am
> available to help I will run Windows Testing today and MacOS tomorrow.  My
> MacOS is updated with the latest incubator build and JDK10.
> Open:
> Form Editor & Support Modules - sanity NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor - Property Editors NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor - Internationalization NetBeans 7.4
> All DB Tribe members - please provide an update and status to review open
> test specs and retest completed one on the same or difference OSes.
> Time is running out for testing.
> Thanks and regards,
> Efrem McCrimon
> GUI Builder Tribe
> DB Tribe
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 5:44 PM, Holman Zsolt <>
> wrote:
> Hi Efrem, Giuliano,
> I would join the team with the following unassigned tests:
> Form Editor - Beans Binding NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor - Code Generation NetBeans 7.4
> Regards,
> 2018. 03. 28, szerda keltezéssel 10.06-kor Efrem Mc ezt írta:
> Hi Holman, the information Giuliano sent out before you joined the team.
> I am just helping our team out as I have some time this morning.  Some of
> the assignments may have changed but overall we need to run the test for
> each of these.  Here are the important factors.
> Summary of what to do:
> He wrote on 3/10/18:
> Hi, to all members of GUI Builder Staff
> It is time to start over test specification group
> So I think that the right way is going on step to step.
> First step: send your email, (this team is of 5 members, so I need only 3
> email because Efrem email to me)
> Second step: download netbeans 9 and java 9 from
> Third step: clone the test specification list Form Editor, and insert in
> with
> "create new"
> Giuliano assigned the following and maybe waiting for responses.
> =============================
> References:
> Because we are 5 people, start with 2 test specification for every one.
> so, if you agree, I think that we can do:
> chuck davis:
> Form Editor - Component Inspector Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> Form Editor - Component Palette Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> efrem mccrimon:
> Form Editor - Form File Compatibility Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> Form Editor - Window configurable Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> giuliano meini:
> Form Editor - Group Layout Library Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> Form Editor - Grid Bag Customizer Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> kai uwe pel:
> Form Refactoring Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> Form Editor - Gaps Visualization Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> scott palmer: [I do not see him on the team anymore - NOW OPEN]
> Form Editor - Property Editors NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor - Internationalization NetBeans 7.4
> to assign:
> Form Editor - Beans Binding NetBeans 7.4 [ Holman Zsoft - completed]
> Form Editor & Support Modules - sanity NetBeans 7.4 [Open]
> Form Editor - Code Generation NetBeans 7.4 [ Holman Zsoft - completed]
> If you are not agree, please write to us and we can modify the the work.
> Thanks, I am waiting your replay
> Giuliano Meini
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 1:28 AM, Giuliano Meini <>
> wrote:
> Hi, to all mamber of GUI Builder Staff
> It is time to start ower test specification group
> So I think that the right way is going on step to step.
> First step: send your email, (this team is of 5 members, so I need only 3
> email because Efrem email to me)
> Second step: download netbeans 9 and java 9 from
> Third step: clone the test specification list Form Editor, and insert in
> with
> "create new"
> Because we are 5 people, start with 2 test specification for every one.
> so, if you agree, I think that we can do:
> chuck davis:
> Form Editor - Component Inspector Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> Form Editor - Component Palette Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> efrem mccrimon:
> Form Editor - Form File Compatibility Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> Form Editor - Window configurable Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> giuliano meini:
> Form Editor - Group Layout Library Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> Form Editor - Grid Bag Customizer Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> kai uwe pel:
> Form Refactoring Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> Form Editor - Gaps Visualization Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> scott palmer:
> Form Editor - Property Editors NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor - Internationalization NetBeans 7.4
> to assign:
> Form Editor - Beans Binding NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor & Support Modules - sanity NetBeans 7.4
> Form Editor - Code Generation NetBeans 7.4
> If you are not agree, please write to us and we can modify the the work.
> Thans, I am waiting your replay
> Giuliano Meini
> Il 09/03/2018 21:45, Efrem Mc ha scritto:
> Hi, I'm Efrem on the GUI Builder tribe.  You are noted as the team lead.
> Do you want to assign or we can start reviewing each Test
> Specifications? Some of these have not been updated in quite some
> time.
> Currently we have:
> Form Editor - Component Inspector Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> → Form Editor - Component Palette Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> → Form Editor - Form File Compatibility Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> → Form Editor - Window configurable Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> → Form Editor - Group Layout Library Test Specification NetBeans 6.1
> → Form Editor - Grid Bag Customizer Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> → Form Refactoring Test Specification NetBeans 7.1
> → Form Editor - Gaps Visualization Test Specification NetBeans 7.2
> → Form Editor - Property Editors NetBeans 7.4
> → Form Editor - Internationalization NetBeans 7.4
> → Form Editor - Beans Binding NetBeans 7.4
> → Form Editor & Support Modules - sanity NetBeans 7.4
> → Form Editor - Code Generation NetBeans 7.4
> Please advise,
> Efrem McCrimon
> --
> Giuliano Meini - 3463912740 <(346)%20391-2740>
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> Grazie.
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