Exactly. When you start to work on a test assignment your browser loads everything to its cache which has two consequences:

* you can work on it even in a space shuttle off-line traveling to the Moon
* Synergy measures the communication silence and timeouts after 43 minutes

I have increased the timeout to 2 hours, hoping it will help some of you. :)

Good luck and many thanks for your work everyone!


Dne 16.10.2018 v 18:11 Alexander Romanenko napsal(a):
Sessions time out between page loads. You are interacting with same page
not submitting any data, so server thinks you are gone.

вт, 16 окт. 2018 г. в 12:09, Björn Raupach <raup...@me.com.invalid>:

On 16. Oct 2018, at 18:02, Glenn Holmer <ce...@kolabnow.com.INVALID>

On 10/16/2018 10:56 AM, Rodrigo Teixeira Andreotti wrote:
If you relogging and refresh the page this one will save without
problem, I
also found the session time too short in synergy.

I haven't seen the source for Synergy yet, but there's an admin page
with some server values that can be changed; one of them is "$_SESSION
timeout", and it's set to 2592000.

So that is around 43 minutes I guess?

How did the session timeout while I was working in synergy? I definitely
did not take a break for more than 10 minutes while doing test case by test

Offtopic, I know, just asking out of curiosity.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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