Dear all,

The schedule I've proposed earlier and what is on the web page is mixing/cramping the things around the cut of beta4 / vote candidate 1/ rc1 and the voting a bit.

I've proposed:

5th November:

- Merge release branch to master
- Merge release branch to release122
- Publish 12.2-rc1 for voting
- Start the Voting process
- Hopefully creation of the 12.2 webpages start at least now.

That is 7th of November now, as adjusted with the previous schedule. The merges would happen and the 12.2-rc1 will be cut. The voting round will not start though. I would ask everyone to test the 12.2-rc1 as it would be a release, licenses, binaries, etc. (That check can be made right now on beta3 as well). 12.2-rc1 will be open for fixes only for blocker issues. No patching no polishing. Ideally the release would be cut from the same git commit as 12.2-rc1 on 15th of November. We can still have the release voted and announced before the end of November.

In the unfortunate event, that we need to patch something on 12.2-rc1 a new rc will be cut on the same day as the patch has arrived, and I might push the 15th of November date a bit further.

Beside making things more clear, the reason behind this is, that it is relatively cheap to cut new beta-s/ rc-s using Jenkins. It is more expensive put out a version for vote, then release.

As an update for the current progress:

12.2 is shaping up nicely, only minor polishing changes are happening.

As expected some changes are already happening on master for 12.3

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