Iam french so sorry for my english (thank to ggogle translate...)
I have a technical pb but since I'm not at all resourceful both in English and 
in computer manipulation, I can't manage to unblock myself and I don't know to 
whom/which forum to turn to.

I installed netbeans version 12.6 on windows (I had an older version on ubuntu 
which I couldn't update because like ubuntu it couldn't connect to the 
internet) and I ended up giving up to download the latest version under 
windows.... but I still have this same internet connection problem... but this 
latest version specifies the errors:
no subject alternative dns name matching netbeans.apache.org found.
So I can't make my first push on Github.. so it is a big problem.
I searched on the net... I just managed to understand (finally, it seems to me) 
that it was a certificate problem related to java, but I don't understand how 
to fix the pb (and on which forum you should go, who to ask)...
I don't know if having CyberGost (vpn) installed (but not active while netbeans 
or ubuntu is running) has any bearing...
Anyway, I'm lost... and i don't know what to do.

Hoping for your wise advice, have a nice weekend,

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