As requested by Daniel P. Berrange, I'm forwarding to the netcf-devel
list the the request I've first sent directly to both Daniel and
Patrick Mullaney.

I'd like to propose integrating the lens into augeas proper, just as
it stands in netcf's git sources.

While I understand there should be no problem (at least with the
spirit of) the license[1], I'd like to avoid an action which could
upset anyone of the original stakeholders, and would therefore be
grateful if you could let me know if you agree with such a proposal.

As a matter of facts, I'd like to send a pull request for the commits at

As you can see, I've just added a test file, which I've wired to
augeas' test harness, and changed the comment in the lens by inserting
a reference to the original authors and an explicit license line.

Thank you very much, yours


[1] Really, augeas proper is LGPL v2+ licensed, while I think
persistent_net_rules is inheriting netcf's LGPL v2.1 license;
therefore I think there must be an explicit licence change endorsement
from Daniel and Patrick.

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