On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 03:43:03PM +0200, Marcus Better wrote:
> Hi developers,
> is there a convenient way to inject 802.11 frames into the stack from
> user-space? I am thinking about something analogous to the tap device for
> Ethernet. That is, a "virtual" wireless device that would receive frames
> from user-space.
> I think this could be useful for testing and experimenting in various
> situations, and would appreciate any comments and thoughts on this.

There is currently no single way of doing this.  Different drivers
expect different endian formats, have different capabilities, different
injection formats, etc.

Josh Wright and I have been working on a library to make a common
injection layer across the drivers, until whatever day in the future
they unify.

The public svn source is at:
svn co https://felloffthebackofatruck.com/svn/tx-80211/trunk

I also just recently added a demo app which links the library to a
tuntap interface for doing what you mentioned, however it obviously
doesn't solve the differing endian issues.


Mike Kershaw/Dragorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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the getting better."

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