On 5/16/16 8:04 PM, Lorenzo Colitti wrote:
Given that the filter can specify a number of sockets, some of which
can and some of which can't be closed, and that whether a given socket
can be closed is only known at the time we attempt to close it, there
is a choice between two bad outcomes:

1. Users try to use "ss -K" with a kernel that doesn't support it, and
get confused about why it does nothing and doesn't print an error
2. Users use "ss -K" with a kernel that does support it, and get
irritated by seeing one error message per TCP_TIME_WAIT socket, UDP
socket, etc.

As I mentioned we can print the unsupported once or per socket matched and with the socket params. e.g.,

+               } else if (errno == EOPNOTSUPP) {
+                       printf("Operation not supported for:\n");
+                       inet_show_sock(h, diag_arg->f, diag_arg->protocol);

Actively suppressing all error messages is just wrong. I get the flooding issue so I'm fine with just printing it once.

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