On 2016/6/20 21:33, Leon Romanovsky wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:35:14PM +0800, Lijun Ou wrote:
This patch added the operation for cmd, and added some functions
for initializing eq table and selecting cmd mode.

Signed-off-by: Wei Hu <xavier.hu...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Nenglong Zhao <zhaonengl...@hisilicon.com>
Signed-off-by: Lijun Ou <ouli...@huawei.com>
PATCH v9/v8/v7/v6:
- No change over the PATCH v5

- The initial patch which was redesigned based on the second patch
   in PATCH v4

+#define CMD_MAX_NUM            32
+int hns_roce_cmd_init(struct hns_roce_dev *hr_dev)
+       struct device *dev = &hr_dev->pdev->dev;
+       mutex_init(&hr_dev->cmd.hcr_mutex);
+       sema_init(&hr_dev->cmd.poll_sem, 1);
+       hr_dev->cmd.use_events = 0;
+       hr_dev->cmd.toggle = 1;
+       hr_dev->cmd.max_cmds = CMD_MAX_NUM;

+       for (hr_cmd->token_mask = 1; hr_cmd->token_mask < hr_cmd->max_cmds;
+            hr_cmd->token_mask <<= 1)
+               ;
+       --hr_cmd->token_mask;
It doesn't look that you dynamically change max_cmds supported.
Why do you need to calculate token_mask dynamically?
Hi, Leon

1. The four lines above are in the function named hns_roce_cmd_use_events.
         and now this function is only called once in hns_roce_probe.
    2. In hns_roce_cmd_use_events,
we use these 4 lines to achieve the value of hr_cmd->token_mask according to hr_cmd->max_cmds dynamically,
        then we only define one marco for hr_cmd->max_cmds as below:

        #define CMD_MAX_NUM             32

       And it looks more flexible.

Wei Hu

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