On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 10:20:22PM +0000, Woodruff, Robert J wrote:

> >this new scheme works with >kernel.org 4.8, then it is possible
> >that it could go into that OFED-4.8 Release, but again, we are
> >still looking at the new scheme and evaluating how it affects >the
> >community OFED.
> One other question.  Jason, the OFA (and its members) want to
> maintain the dual-license (BSD/GPL) for the code, as is the case for
> all the code that was in the OFA git trees on the OFA server that
> you pulled from.

The code in the OFA trees has a mixture of licenses. It is all GPLv2
compatible for sure, but there are at least three variations of the
'BSD' license. As far as I know, only the 2 clause OpenIB.org BSD
license is approved for use in OFA projects. Someone from the board
could correct me if I am wrong.

This means the 3 projects with the BSD patent clause, hosted on the
OFA servers, were already not conforming.

As is Intels HFI1 driver which uses a three clause BSD license.

> package follows that licensing model for accepting any new code into
> that combined repo ?

As with the kernel we'd discourage 're-licensing' existing files.

However, since this is not a OFA project, I, personally, would not
turn away a GPLv2 compatible contribution, but I am proposing that the
'default' license for the project be OFA compatible.

I think license enforcement of its members falls to the OFA.

Doug may feel differently.


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