On Sun, 28 May 2006, Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:

> ieee80211: eth1: Unknown management packet: 112

a small addendum: below is the function from the original driver, where 
they process management packets. Although they don't have special 
processing for 0x70, they seem to be doing lots of stuff for 
"unrecognised" packets. Complete sources are at 
http://zd1211.ath.cx/download/, the new (rewrite) driver, that uses the 
ieee80211 layer is at http://www.deine-taler.de/zd1211/snapshots/

Guennadi Liakhovetski

__inline unsigned long
        struct zd1205_private *macp,
        zd1205_SwTcb_t          *pSwTcb,
        wla_Header_t    *pWlaHdr,
        ctrl_Set_parm_t *pSetParms
        zd1205_Ctrl_Set_t       *pCtrlSet = pSwTcb->pHwCtrlPtr;
        u8                      tmp;
        u16                     Len = 0;
        u16                     NextLen = 0;
        u16                     LenInUs = 0;
        u16                     NextLenInUs = 0;
        u8                      Service;
        u8                      TxRate;
        u8                      Rate = pSetParms->Rate;
        u8                      Preamble = pSetParms->Preamble;
        u32                     CurrFragLen = pSetParms->CurrFragLen;
        u32                     NextFragLen = pSetParms->NextFragLen;
        u8                      encryType = pSetParms->encryType;
        //u8                    vapId = pSetParms->vapId;
        u8                      bMgtFrame = 0;
        u8                      bGroupAddr = 0;
        u8                      EnCipher = ((pWlaHdr->FrameCtrl[1] & ENCRY_BIT) 
? 1 : 0);
        u16                     FragNum = (pWlaHdr->SeqCtrl[0] & 0x0F);
        card_Setting_t          *pCardSettting = &macp->cardSetting;
        u16                     FrameType = pWlaHdr->FrameCtrl[0];
        u8                      bBusrt = 0;
#ifdef ZD1211B

        u8                      LengthDiff=0;


        if (Rate > macp->AdapterMaxRate)
                Rate = macp->AdapterMaxRate;

        if ((FrameType & 0x0c) == MANAGEMENT)
                bMgtFrame = 1;
                Rate = dot11Obj.BasicRate;
        if ((FrameType & 0x0c) == DATA)
                write_str(DbgStr101, EnCipher);
        if (bMgtFrame)
                if ((FrameType == PROBE_RSP) || (FrameType == PROBE_REQ)) {
                        // Ensure Site-Survey smooth
                        Rate = RATE_1M;
                        Preamble = 0;

        if (FrameType == PS_POLL)
                // For compatibility with D-Link AP
                Rate = RATE_1M;
                Preamble = 0;

        if ((Rate == RATE_1M) && (Preamble == 1))
        { //1M && short preamble
                Rate = RATE_2M;

        if (macp->bFixedRate)
                if (!bMgtFrame)
                        Rate = pCardSettting->FixedRate;

        pSwTcb->Rate = Rate;
        //FPRINT_V("zdinline Rate", Rate);

#if !defined(OFDM)

        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[0] = (Rate | (Preamble << 5));

        if (Rate < RATE_6M)
        { //CCK frame
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[0] = (Rate | (Preamble << 5));
                //``JWEI 2003/12/22

                if ((macp->TxOFDMCnt > 0) && (macp->TxOFDMCnt < cTX_SENT_LEN))
                        macp->TxOFDMCnt --;
                macp->TxPwrCCK ++;

        } else
                macp->TxPwrOFDM ++;
                macp->TxOFDMCnt ++;
                if (Rate == RATE_48M) {
                        if (macp->TxOFDMType != cTX_48M)
                                macp->TxOFDMCnt = 0;
                        macp->TxOFDMType = cTX_48M;
                } else if (Rate == RATE_54M) {
                        if (macp->TxOFDMType != cTX_54M)
                                macp->TxOFDMCnt = 0;
                        macp->TxOFDMType = cTX_54M;
                } else {
                        if (macp->TxOFDMType != cTX_OFDM)
                                macp->TxOFDMCnt = 0;
                        macp->TxOFDMType = cTX_OFDM;

                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[0] = OfdmRateTbl[Rate];

        TxRate = Rate;

        //keep current Tx rate
        pCardSettting->CurrTxRate = TxRate;

        /* Length in byte */
        if (EnCipher)
                if (!pCardSettting->SwCipher) {
                        write_str(DbgStr102, encryType);
                        switch(encryType) {
                        case WEP64:
                        case WEP128:
                        case WEP256:
                                Len = CurrFragLen + 36;         /* Header(24) + 
CRC32(4) + IV(4) + ICV(4) */
                                NextLen = NextFragLen + 36;
#ifdef ZD1211B



                        case TKIP:
                                write_str(DbgStr100, CurrFragLen);
                                Len = CurrFragLen + 40;         /* Header(24) + 
CRC32(4) + IV(4) + EIV(4) + ICV(4) */
                                NextLen = NextFragLen + 40;
#ifdef ZD1211B



                        case AES:
                                Len = CurrFragLen + 44;         /* Header(24) + 
CRC32(4) + IV(4) +  ExtendedIV(4) + MIC(8) */
                                NextLen = NextFragLen + 44;
#ifdef ZD1211B

                                //FPRINT_V("Len", Len);

                                printk(KERN_DEBUG "error encryType = %x\n", 
                } else { //use software encryption
                        if (pCardSettting->DynKeyMode == DYN_KEY_TKIP) {
                                if ((pWlaHdr->DA[0] & BIT_0) && 
(pCardSettting->WpaBcKeyLen != 32)) { //multicast
                                        Len = CurrFragLen + 32; // Header(24) + 
CRC32(4) + IV(4), ICV was packed under payload

                                        NextLen = NextFragLen + 32;
                                } else {
                                        Len = CurrFragLen + 36; // Header(24) + 
CRC32(4) + IV(4) + ExtendIV(4), ICV was packed under payload
                                        NextLen = NextFragLen + 36;
                        } else {
                                Len = CurrFragLen + 32; // Header(24) + 
CRC32(4) + IV(4), ICV was packed under payload
                                NextLen = NextFragLen + 32;
        } else
        { // no cipher
                Len = CurrFragLen + 28;         /* Header(24) + CRC32(4) */
                NextLen = NextFragLen + 28;
#ifdef ZD1211B



        /* Corret some exceptions */
        if (FrameType == PS_POLL)
                Len = CurrFragLen + 20; // Header(16) + CRC32(4)

        /* Corret some exceptions */
        if (NextFragLen == 0)
                NextLen = 0;

        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[1] = (u8)Len;                     /* low byte */
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[2] = (u8)(Len >> 8);   /* high byte */

        /* TCB physical address */
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[3] = (u8)(pSwTcb->TcbPhys);
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[4] = (u8)(pSwTcb->TcbPhys >> 8);
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[5] = (u8)(pSwTcb->TcbPhys >> 16);
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[6] = (u8)(pSwTcb->TcbPhys >> 24);

        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[7] = 0x00;
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[8] = 0x00;
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[9] = 0x00;
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[10] = 0x00;

        /* Misc */
        tmp = 0;
        if (!FragNum)
                tmp |= BIT_0;

                if (macp->bTxBurstEnable) {
                        if (macp->activeTxQ->count > 0) {
                                // AT LEAST one packet in ActiveChainList
                                if (macp->TxBurstCount == 3)    // only 3 
                                        macp->TxBurstCount = 0;
                        } else {
                                // recount again, next packet will back off
                                macp->TxBurstCount = 0;

                        // burst mode
                        if (macp->TxBurstCount == 0) {
                                tmp |= BIT_0;   //need back off
                        } else {
                                tmp &= ~BIT_0;  //burst, no need back off
                                bBusrt = 1;

                                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[0] |= BIT_7;

        if (pWlaHdr->DA[0] & BIT_0)
        {               /* Multicast */
                bGroupAddr = 1;
                tmp |= BIT_1;

        //if (bMgtFrame){
        //      tmp |= BIT_3;

        if (FrameType == PS_POLL) //AP don't send PS_POLL
                tmp |= BIT_2;

#ifndef HOST_IF_USB

        if ((pCardSettting->BssType == INDEPENDENT_BSS) && (!bMgtFrame))
                if (zd1205_DestPowerSave(macp, &pWlaHdr->DA[0])) {
                        tmp |= BIT_4;

        if (Len > pCardSettting->RTSThreshold)
                if ((!bMgtFrame) && (!bGroupAddr))
                        tmp |= BIT_5;

#if (defined(GCCK) && defined(OFDM))

        if (TxRate > RATE_11M)
                if (tmp & BIT_5) {
                        // need to send RTS or CTS, in OFDM only send CTS, in 
CCK send RTS
                        tmp &= ~BIT_5;
                        tmp |= BIT_7;
                } else if (dot11Obj.ConfigFlag & ENABLE_PROTECTION_SET) {
                        // id SelfCTS on, force send CTS when OFDM
                        tmp |= BIT_7;

        if ((EnCipher) && (!pCardSettting->SwCipher))
                tmp |= BIT_6;

        if ((macp->bTxBurstEnable))
                if (!bBusrt)
                        // bBusrt off, this is the first one, force send CTS
                        tmp |= BIT_7;
                        // bBusrt on, this is the burst one, no need CTS
                        tmp &= ~BIT_7;

        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[11] = tmp;

        /* Address1 */
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[12] = pWlaHdr->DA[0];
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[13] = pWlaHdr->DA[1];
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[14] = pWlaHdr->DA[2];
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[15] = pWlaHdr->DA[3];
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[16] = pWlaHdr->DA[4];
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[17] = pWlaHdr->DA[5];

        if (FrameType == DATA)
                macp->TotalTxDataFrmBytes += Len;
                if (pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[12] & BIT_0) {
                        macp->txMulticastFrm ++;
                        macp->txMulticastOctets += CurrFragLen;
                } else {
                        macp->txUnicastFrm ++;
                        macp->txUnicastOctets += CurrFragLen;
                        macp->txDataPerSec += CurrFragLen;


        /* NextLen */
#ifdef ZD1211
        if (NextLen)
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[18] = (u8)NextLen;
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[19] = (u8)(NextLen >> 8);
#elif defined(ZD1211B)
        pSwTcb->LengthDiff = LengthDiff;

        /* LenInUs */
        Cal_Us_Service(TxRate, Len, &LenInUs, &Service);

        if (macp->bTxBurstEnable)
                if (!bBusrt)
                        LenInUs = LenInUs * 4;

        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[20] = (u8)LenInUs;
        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[21] = (u8)(LenInUs >> 8);

        /* Service */
#if !(defined(GCCK) && defined(OFDM))

        pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[22] = Service;

        if (Rate < RATE_6M)
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[22] = Service;
        } else
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[22] = 0;

        if (NextLen == 0)
                NextLenInUs = 0;
        } else
                Cal_Us_Service(TxRate, NextLen, &NextLenInUs, &Service);
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[23] = (u8)NextLenInUs;
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[24] = (u8)(NextLenInUs >> 8);

#ifdef OFDM
                // NextLen
                // backup NextLen, because OFDM use these 2 bytes as total 
                // so we backup here for Retry fail use.
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[26] = (u8)NextLen;
                pCtrlSet->CtrlSetting[27] = (u8)(NextLen >> 8);


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