From: "'Marcelo Ricardo Leitner'" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 10:36:28 -0200

> So, no padding. A field just after the other, which is what we want on a
> network header.

It isn't necessary!

Show me a case where it is required when you use properly fixed sized
types and a proper ordering of the struct members.  No padding is
going in there, go and check.

Do we splatter __packed all over our ipv4/ipv6 header, TCP header, UDP
header, etc. structures?  No, we don't because it's totally unecessary.

I will not accept __packed being used unless it is absolutely, provably,
the only way to solve a particular problem.  And when that does happen,
I am going to require a huge comment explaining in detail why this is
the case, and why no other approach or solution solved the problem.

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