Hi netdev,

I'm forwarding this problem report from Ulrich Speidel.

The correlation to FDs would seem to point to application always
reading for FDs in order and it seems unlikely that FDs have any
relevance in the networking stack below the file IO for sockets. Some
of the stack experts might have a better idea though...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ulrich Speidel <ulr...@cs.auckland.ac.nz>
Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:11 AM
Subject: Linux kernel query
To: t...@quantonium.net
Cc: Brian Carpenter <br...@cs.auckland.ac.nz>, Nevil Brownlee
<n.brown...@auckland.ac.nz>, l...@steinwurf.com, Lei Qian

Dear Tom,

I'm a colleague of Brian Carpenter at the University of Auckland. He
has suggested that I contact you about this as I'm not sure that what
we have discovered is a bug - it may even be an intended feature but
I've failed to find it documented anywhere. From all we can tell, the
problem seems related to how socket file descriptor numbers & SKBs are
handled in POSIX-compliant kernels. I'm not a kernel hack so apologise
in advance if terminology isn't always spot-on.

This is how we triggered the effect: We have a setup in which we have
multiple physical network clients connect to multiple servers at
random. On the client side, we create N "channels" (indexed, say 0 to
N-1) on each physical client. Each channel executes the following

1) create a fresh TCP socket
2) connect to a randomly chosen server from our pool
3) receive a quantity of data that the server sends (this may be
somewhere between 0 bytes and hundreds of MB). In our case, we use the
application merely as a network traffic generator, so the receive
process consists of recording the number of bytes made available by
the socket and freeing the buffer without ever actually reading it.
4) wait for server disconnect
5) free socket (i.e., we're not explicitly re-using the previous
connection's socket)
6) jump back to 1)

We keep track of the throughput on each channel.

Note that the effect is the same regardless of whether we implement
each channel in a process of its own, in a threaded application, or
whether we use non-blocking sockets and check on them in a loop.

What we would normally expect is that the each channel would receive
about the same goodput over time, regardless of the value of N. Note
that each channel uses a succession of fresh sockets.

What actually happens is this: For up to approximately N=20 channels
on a single physical client (we've tried Raspbian and Debian, as well
as Ubuntu), each channel sees on average substantial and comparable
levels of throughput, adding up to values approaching network
interface capacity. Once we push N beyond 20, the throughput on any
further channels drops to zero very quickly. For N=30, we typically
see at least half a dozen channels with no throughput at all beyond
the connection handshake. Throughput on the first 20 or so channels
remains pretty much unchanged. The sockets on the channels with low or
no throughput all manage to connect, but remain in connected state but
receive no data.

Throughput on the first ~20 channels is sustainable for long periods
of time - so we're not dealing with an intermittent bug that causes
our sockets to stall: The affected sockets / channels never receive
anything (and the sockets around the 20-or-so mark very little). So it
seems that subsequent sockets on a channel inherit the ability of
their predecessor to receive data at quantity.

We also see the issue on a single physical Raspberry client having the
sole use of 14 Super Micros on GbE interfaces to download from. So we
know we're definitely not overloading the server side (note that we
are able to saturate the network to the Pi). Here is some sample data
from the Pi (my apologies for the rough format):

Channel index/MB transferred/Number of connections completed+attempted
0 2.37 144
1 29.32 92
2 2.71 132
3 10.88 705
4 11.90 513
5 16.045990 571
6 9.631539 598
7 15.420138 362
8 9.854378 106
9 8.975264 315
10 8.020266 526
11 6.369107 582
12 8.877760 277
13 8.148640 406
14 13.536793 301
15 9.804712 55
16 7.643378 292
17 7.970028 393
18 0.000120 1
19 9.359919 415
20 0.000120 1
21 0.000120 1
22 12.937519 314
23 0.000920 2
24 14.561784 362
25 0.000240 2
26 11.005030 535
27 0.000120 1
28 0.000120 1
29 0.000120 1

The total data rate in this example was 94.1 Mbps on the 100 Mbps
connection of the Pi. Experiment duration was 20 seconds on this
occasion, but the effect is stable - we have observed it for many
minutes. Once "stuck", a channel remains stuck.

The fact that the incoming data rate accrues almost exclusively to the
~20 busy channels suggests that the sockets on the other channel are
either advertising a window of 0 bytes or are not generating ACKs for
incoming data, or both.

We have considered the possibility of FIN packets getting dropped
somewhere along the way - not only is this unlikely since they are
small, but the effect also happens if we connect a server directly by
cable to a client machine with no network equipment inbetween. Also,
if lost FINs were to blame, we would see some of the steadfast 20
channels stall over time as well, given the network load - and we

We then looked at the numerical value of the socket file descriptors
in use by each channel and noticed that there was a strong correlation
between the average fd value and the goodput, or for that matter
between channel index and average fd value.

When we artificially throttle the data rate that each server is able
to serve a single client connection on, we get data on vastly more of
the channels (in fact, that's the workaround we currently use, we're
getting up to around 40 workable channels that way).

We note that the POSIX specs on file descriptor allocation demand
"lowest available first" and that this usually extends to socket fds
although POSIX doesn't prescribe this. From what I have been able to
glean from the Linux kernel source I have looked at, sockets are
entered into a linked list. I presume they are then serviced by the
kernel in list order, which seems reasonable. However, I suspect (but
haven't been able to locate the relevant piece of kernel code) that
the kernel services the list starting at the head up to a point where
it runs out of time allocated for this task. When it returns to the
task, it then also seems to return to the head of the list again.

So it seems that the sockets with lower-numbered fds get serviced with
priority, thus get their downloads completed first, which releases the
fd to the table, and therefore makes it highly likely that the same
channel will be assigned the same low fd when it creates the next
socket. Higher-valued fds don't get service, don't complete their
downloads, and in consequence their channels never get to return the
fds and renew their sockets.

During my sabbatical last year, I investigated this scenario together
with Aaron Gulliver from the University of Victoria, Canada, and we
were able to simulate the effect based on this assumption. The graph
from our draft paper below shows our (simplified) model in action - my
apologies for the first draft nature of it, I've been waiting for half
a year for a free day to complete it. It shows the number of times
each socket fd (=socket series) was re-used (=connections completed
using this fd value) during the simulation, as well as the bytes
received. Ignore the "days" labels - these are a measure of how much
"downtime" an fd number gets before it's re-used, read "days = time
slices". Note the exponential y axis and the cliff around the 20 mark,
i.e., pretty much what we see in practice.

We have also tried to find a theoretical approach but now think that
it is combinatorially intractable except in very simple cases.

I have also copied Lars Nielsen from Steinwurf ApS in Aalborg, who has
come across what is probably the same issue in a web crawler
application he was developing. He also observed the magical value of
about 20 and our "fix" worked for him, too. He has had an indication
that the effect is anecdotally known in browser developer circles.

We are well aware that our applications (maintaining and continuously
renewing a large number of sockets that receive data at
all-you-can-eat rates) are somewhat unusual, so I am not sure whether
the effect is even known.

So, my questions:

1) Does the kernel indeed stop processing part-way down the list and
then return to the head again rather than continue processing where it
left off?
2) If so, is this a bug, or is it intended? I could imagine that the
effect would help protect existing service connections (e.g., SSH
logins) in the case of subsequent DDoS attacks, but I'm not sure
whether that's by coincidence or design.

Any insights would be welcome!

Best regards,


Dr. Ulrich Speidel

Department of Computer Science

Room 303S.594 (City Campus)
Ph: (+64-9)-373-7599 ext. 85282

The University of Auckland

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