Hello Cavium Ethernet Driver Maintainers,

I'm working on a custom board using a Cavium OcteonTX CN80XX cpu
running a mainline 4.12.7 kernel and I've run into a problem where the
TX of my BGX0 configured for SGMII becomes stuck.

After boot I'm able to bring the interface up, run dhclient, and ping
a host machine with no issues. However, every time that I try to run
an iperf TCP test I get a stuck TX queue. Bringing the interface down
and then up does not resolve the problem, but physically reconnecting
the cable connected to the interface does. Also, after I reconnect the
cable I am no longer able to reproduce the stuck TX queue until
reboot. I receive no kernel driver messages of any sort during my
iperf test, it just stalls until I kill it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Robert Jones - Software Engineer
Gateworks Corporation

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