
> > - We expect that the lots-of-dirty-anon-memory-over-swap-over-network
> >   scenario might still cause deadlocks.  
> > 
> >   I assert that this can be solved by putting swap on local disks.  Peter
> >   asserts that this isn't acceptable due to disk unreliability.  I point
> >   out that local disk reliability can be increased via MD, all goes quiet.
> Putting swap on local disks really messes up the concept of stateless 
> servers. I suppose you can do some sort of swap encryption, but
> otherwise you need to scrub the swap partition on boot if you
> re-purpose the hardware. You also then need to do hardware
> configuration to make sure the local disks are all setup the 
> same way across all server platforms so the common images can 
> boot. 

We should really encrypt swap with random key generated at boot, for
all the machine. I believe it is possible (with some non-trivial
setup) today, but it would be nice to do it automagically.
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