On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 03:29:04PM -0500, Larry Finger wrote:
> An error message is changed to a printk as the original dprintk would
> be optimized away if debugging were not enabled. If the error is triggered,
> a more meaningful message is returned.
>       if ( value16 > 0x128 ) {
> -             dprintk(KERN_ERR PFX
> -                     "Firmware: no support for microcode rev > 0x128\n");
> -             err = -1;
> +             printk(KERN_ERR PFX
> +                     "Firmware: no support for microcode extracted "
> +                     "from version 4.x binary drivers.\n");

Why not writing both (ucode rev and driver version)? Something like 

        "from version 4.x binary drivers (rev>0x128).\n"

BTW, if anybody needs the relationship between ucode revsion and driver 
version then he should look at the table here:


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