Hi there,

I  get the following message when trying to transfer big files 
(via FTP or SCP) since Linux It didn't happen with Linux

[702238.242237] eth1: increased tx threshold, txcfg 0xd0f01008.
[702238.242649] eth1: increased tx threshold, txcfg 0xd0f0100a.

What about putting this message at the message level "DEBUG"
or even under pr_debug()?

This NIC is just used for PPPoE in our setups.

The other message "tx underrun with maximum tx threshold"
is much more useful, since it indicates a real problem.

So I would suggest the following patch:

Signed-off-by: Ingo Oeser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- linux-      2006-08-25 22:51:14.000000000 
+++ linux-       2006-09-13 15:26:24.995044665 
@@ -2338,8 +2338,7 @@
                if ((np->tx_config & TxDrthMask) < TX_DRTH_VAL_LIMIT) {
                        np->tx_config += TX_DRTH_VAL_INC;
                        if (netif_msg_tx_err(np))
-                               printk(KERN_NOTICE
-                                       "%s: increased tx threshold, txcfg 
+                               pr_debug("%s: increased tx threshold, txcfg 
                                        dev->name, np->tx_config);
                } else {
                        if (netif_msg_tx_err(np))
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