On Monday, May 21, 2018 2:17 PM, Jon Rosen (jrosen) <jro...@cisco.com> wrote:
> On Monday, May 21, 2018 1:07 PM, Willem de Bruijn
> <willemdebruijn.ker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Jon Rosen (jrosen) <jro...@cisco.com> wrote:


>> A setsockopt for userspace to signal a stricter interpretation of
>> tp_status to elide the shadow hack could then be considered.
>> It's not pretty. Either way, no full new version is required.
>>> As much as I would like to find a solution that doesn't require
>>> the spin lock I have yet to do so. Maybe the answer is that
>>> existing applications will need to suffer the performance impact
>>> but a new version or option for TPACKET_V1/V2 could be added to
>>> indicate strict adherence of the TP_STATUS_USER bit and then the
>>> original diffs could be used.

It looks like adding new socket options is pretty rare so I
wonder if a better option might be to define a new TP_STATUS_XXX
bit which would signal from a userspace application to the kernel
that it strictly interprets the TP_STATUS_USER bit to determine

Todays applications set tp_status = TP_STATUS_KERNEL(0) for the
kernel to pick up the entry.  We could define a new value to pass
ownership as well as one to indicate to other kernel threads that
an entry is inuse:

        #define TP_STATUS_USER_TO_KERNEL        (1 << 8)
        #define TP_STATUS_INUSE                 (1 << 9)

If the kernel sees tp_status == TP_STATUS_KERNEL then it should
use the shadow method for tacking ownership. If it sees tp_status

>>> There is another option I was considering but have yet to try
>>> which would avoid needing a shadow ring by using counter(s) to
>>> track maximum sequence number queued to userspace vs. the next
>>> sequence number to be allocated in the ring.  If the difference
>>> is greater than the size of the ring then the ring can be
>>> considered full and the allocation would fail. Of course this may
>>> create an additional hotspot between cores, not sure if that
>>> would be significant or not.
>> Please do have a look, but I don't think that this will work in this
>> case in practice. It requires tracking the producer tail. Updating
>> the slowest writer requires probing each subsequent slot's status
>> byte to find the new tail, which is a lot of (by then cold) cacheline
>> reads.
> I've thought about it a little more and am not convinced it's
> workable but I'll spend a little more time on it before giving
> up.

I've given up on this method.  Just don't see how to make it work.

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