Hi Roopa, Nikolay

br_handle_frame() looks out for frames with a destination MAC
addresses with is Ethernet link local, those which fit
01-80-C2-00-00-XX. It does not normally forward these, but it will
deliver them locally.

Should the bridge perform learning on such frames?

I've got a setup with two bridges connected together with multiple
links between them. STP has done its thing, and blocked one of the
ports to solve the loop.

host0                   host1
+-----------------+     +-----------------+
| lan0 forwarding |-----| lan0 forwarding |
|                 |     |                 |
| lan1 forwarding |-----| lan1 blocked    |
+-----------------+     +-----------------+

I have LLDP running on both system, and they are sending out periodic
frames on each port.

Now, lan0 and lan1 on host1 use the same MAC address.  So i see the
MAC address bouncing between ports because of the LLDP packets.

# bridge monitor
00:26:55:d2:27:a8 dev lan1 master br0 
00:26:55:d2:27:a8 dev lan0 master br0 
00:26:55:d2:27:a8 dev lan1 master br0 
00:26:55:d2:27:a8 dev lan0 master br0 
00:26:55:d2:27:a8 dev lan1 master br0 

This then results in normal traffic from host0 to host1 being sent to
the blocked port for some of the time.

LLDP is using 01-80-C2-00-00-0E, a link local MAC address. If the
bridge did not learn on such frames, i think this setup would
work. The bridge would learn from ARP, IP etc, coming from the
forwarding port of host1, and the blocked port would be ignored.

I've tried a similar setup with a hardware switch, Marvell 6352. It
never seems to learn from such frames.


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