On Thu, 2006-21-12 at 17:04 +0300, Evgeniy Polyakov wrote:

> I modified world-wide used web server lighttpd and ran a lot of tests
> with it (compared to epoll version with major performance win).
> I was asked yesterday by Jan Kneschke (lighttpd main developer) if
> kevent API is ready so he could include my patch into mainline lighttpd 
> tree, but I answered 'I do not know if kevent will be or not included, 
> everyone keeps silence'.

Ok, so you are building the momentum then. People like Jan are the users
of such API and should be speaking up. Then kernel people will be forced
to look at it.

> I just do not know _what_ else should be done not even for inclusion - 
> but at least for some progress.

I know you are frustrated but stop doing the above like a broken vinyl
record, it doesnt help your case. 

> You want libevent to be patched? Its site is currently down, but ok, I
> will create a patch.

I promise in 2 weeks to migrate an app or two that i have that use
libevent to your version if you have it by then. I will then test and
give you my opinion. 


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