Let me start off by saying that I hope I didn't come across as condenscending in my previous posts. If I did, then it wasn't intended. Now, on to more important things :)

jhash_2words(const, const, ((const << 16) | $sport) ^ $random)

where $sport is 1-65535 in a loop, and $random is pseudo-random number
obtained on start.

If you are correct that jhash_3words doesn't properly distribute the bits in 'c' (which I don't believe you are, but let's assume it for a second) then this function will also be broken: jhash_2words calls jhash_3words; jhash_3words adds (a linear operation) initval and c before calling __jhash_mix. So, if there is a problem with passing values under the direct control of the attacker into 'c' both jhash_2words and jhash_3words are affected; in other words, this variant would also be flawed.

Which is exactly the case of web server and attacker connects to 80 port
from the same IP address and different source ports.

Result with jenkins:
1 23880
2 12108
3 4040
4 1019
5 200
6 30
7 8
8 1

1 65536

I believe that the XOR results, if generated by your test above, are somewhat meaningless because you're feeding what is ideal input into the XOR hash. Which means that you'll get a perfect distribution. With your input, one might as well suggest that using the remote port will give a perfect distribution, and it will, but only for that specific input.

Just for kicks, I went to one of our servers, and did "netstat -n | grep ESTABLISHED" and ended up with 31072 distinct ip:port/ip:port 4-tuples which I then hashed into a 65536 bucket table. There are the results; feel free to draw your own conclusions:

[ I think this should come out looking good; sorry if whitespace is screwy ]

|   |  xor  | j2w 1 | j2w 2 | j3w 1 |
| 0 | 40868 | 40930 | 40767 | 40750 |
| 1 | 19208 | 19119 | 19382 | 19413 |
| 2 |  4636 |  4618 |  4576 |  4554 |
| 3 |   716 |   769 |   715 |   734 |
| 4 |    99 |    91 |    87 |    76 |
| 5 |     7 |     8 |     9 |     9 |
| 6 |     1 |     1 |     0 |     0 |
| 7 |     1 |     0 |     0 |     0 |
| 8 |     0 |     0 |     0 |     0 |

xor: the vanilla linux function
j2w 1 is my variant: jhash_2words(laddr + rport, raddr + lport, seed)
j2w 2 is your variant: jhash_2words(laddr, raddr, (rport << 16) ^ lport) ^ seed)
j3w: jhash_3words(laddr, raddr, (rport << 12) + lport, seed)

The seed used for all the Jenkins hashes came from the low-order 32-bits returned by RDTSC, executed when the program started. It remained constant throughout the run. 8 runs where made, to ensure that the seed wasn't causing weirdness, all runs giving almost identical results. The Jenkins hashes did not use the extra 2 right-shifts to fold high-order bits into the low-order bits, that is employed by the XOR hash.


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