
i just want to have something like tcp layer sitting below inet layer.
so that i can directly offload everything to NIC
and i want it to be placed dynamically. so depending on the nic i can
offload the feature or can make it normal flow.
i.e. both layer should exist and normal functionality should not break.

this code is in af_inet.c

static struct inet_protosw inetsw_array[] =
              .type =       SOCK_STREAM,
              .protocol =   IPPROTO_TCP,
              .prot =       &tcp_prot,
              .ops =        &inet_stream_ops,
              .capability = -1,
              .no_check =   0,
              .flags =      INET_PROTOSW_PERMANENT |

              .type =       SOCK_DGRAM,
              .protocol =   IPPROTO_UDP,
              .prot =       &udp_prot,
              .ops =        &inet_dgram_ops,
              .capability = -1,
              .no_check =   UDP_CSUM_DEFAULT,
              .flags =      INET_PROTOSW_PERMANENT,

             .type =       SOCK_RAW,
             .protocol =   IPPROTO_IP,        /* wild card */
             .prot =       &raw_prot,
             .ops =        &inet_sockraw_ops,
             .capability = CAP_NET_RAW,
             .no_check =   UDP_CSUM_DEFAULT,
             .flags =      INET_PROTOSW_REUSE,

i was just going through the code i found that if i can regsiter above
kind of registration dynamically i will be able to do that.
i have tried to do that but since normal tcp registered this at boot
up time i am not able to unregister this dynamically

so is it possible to unregister tcp and register my protocol dynamically.

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