
I've released new version of the extremely small 
userspace netowork stack [1] implementation.
Stack supports TCP and UDP over IP.
It works on top of netchannels [2] or packet socket 
(returned back in this release).

Supported features:
        * TCP/UDP sending and receiving.
        * Timestamp, window scaling, MSS TCP options.
        * PAWS.
        * Slow start and congestion control.
        * Socket-like interface.
        * Retransmit and fast retransmit support.
        * support for TCP listen state (only point-to-point mode,
                i.e. no new data channels are created, when new client is
                connected, instead state is changed according to protocol
                (TCP state is changed to ESTABLISHED).
        * support for the netchannels and packet socket interface.

It was proven [3] that unetstack can be *much* faster than vanilla TCP
stack (mainly because of heavily reduced number of syscalls, different
congestion control algorithm and other features).

This release includes number of bugs fixed (thanks to Salvatore Del
Popolo for continuously kicking me), packet socket interface (enabled at
compile time) and small documentation update (including example).

Attached archive for intrested readers.

Thank you.

1. Userspace network stack.

2. Netchannel subsystem.

3. Gigabit send/recv benchmark for netchannels and sockets using small

        Evgeniy Polyakov

Attachment: unetstack-2007_09_25.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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