On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:35:43PM -0500, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
> >Isn't the value of 2 ethernet-specific (to round the 14-byte header up
> >to 16)?  Given that the rest of the lro code is fairly careful to
> >calculate mac_hdr_len etc it seems as if it would be cleaner to make
> >this independent of the specific L2 being used.
> >
> >(And I plan on using the LRO module for IP-over-InfiniBand so this is
> >not completely theoretical)

Good point!

We really should rename NET_IP_ALIGN so that both Ethernet and DMA
occur in it somehow :)

> Good point.  I tend to think all the world is ethernet.
> Perhaps the better way would be to simply add an alignment pad
> field to lro_mgr?  When the driver initializes it, it specifies
> any padding needed.  Ethernet drivers would specify 2.

Just pass in the mac_hdr_len, and calculate the padding as

        ALIGN(mac_hdr_len, 4) - mac_hdr_len

or even simpler

        ~(mac_hdr_len - 1) & 3

Bonus points for putting this in a macro alongside NET_IP_ALIGN :)

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