Hi all

I'm Jose Guzman from a security team at Intel.
We're using iproute2 in a GNU-Linux project and I'm analyzing the code
to try to find possible issues/gaps/risks.
Since I'm not too familiar with the package yet I have a question about
a particular piece of code that could result in a memory corruption:

Version: 4.0.0
File: misc/ss.c
Function: static void tcp_show_info(...)
Line: ~1903
Description: There is a memory allocation for a "s.cong_alg" variable:
s.cong_alg = malloc(strlen(cong_attr + 1));
The length is calculated about next position of the starting character.
But next line there is a copy of the whole content:
strcpy(s.cong_alg, cong_attr);
I think there is a mistake and it should be something like:
s.cong_alg = malloc(strlen(cong_attr) + 1);
Is this the case? Is it a real bug?
Also I don't see any checking for the value returned by the malloc call,
what if it returns a NULL pointer?

Also I found something similar about line 1903:
s.cong_alg = malloc(strlen(cong_attr + 1));
strcpy(s.cong_alg, cong_attr);

And another possible issue that I found:

File: tc/tc_util.c
Function: void print_rate(char *buf, int len, __u64 rate)
Line: ~264

In the case that user inputs a high value for rate, the "for" loop will
exit in the condition meaning that variable "i" get the value of 5 which
will be an invalid index for the "units" array due to that array has
only 5 elements.

I hope you can help me by checking these issues and tell me whether they
are real issues or not since you know much better the code.
Also I don't know if you have already this reported, I didn't find a
list of issues for this package. Can you tell me where is such list?

I really appreciate any help on this.

Thanks in advance.
Jose G.

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