On 7/22/15, 1:58 AM, thomas.mo...@orange.com wrote:
Hi Thomas,

This looks promising.

One question: will this approach allow MPLS-in-GRE and MPLS-in-UDP ?

The current series was focused on IP to MPLS tunnels. But, the infrastructure allows associating encap state with routes and calling the respective encapsulation output handlers.

For MPLS-in-GRE and MPLS-in-UDP, it appears that MPLS LSP routes (af_mpls.c) could support associating GRE and UDP encap info (RTA_ENCAP and RTA_ENCAP_TYPE) similar to IP routes and the re-direction from MPLS to GRE or MPLS to UDP can be achieved in a similar way using the same infrastructure.


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