Hi Alex:

I believe you did the recent overhaul to the fib implementation. I am seeing dramatically higher times to delete an interface with an ipv4 address in 4.2-rc3. perf-top points to update_suffix:

PerfTop: 15834 irqs/sec kernel:97.3% exact: 0.0% [4000Hz cpu-clock], (all, 4 CPUs)

    74.69%  [kernel]       [k] update_suffix
     2.38%  [kernel]       [k] fib_table_flush
     2.20%  [kernel]       [k] fib6_walk_continue
     2.03%  [kernel]       [k] fib6_ifdown
     1.31%  [kernel]       [k] fib6_age

I have a simple script to create and assign an ipv4 address to 10k dummy interfaces:

for (( j = 1; j <= 40; j += 1))
        for (( k = 1 ; k <= 250  ; k += 1 ))
                l=$((l + 1))
                ip link add dev dummy${l} type dummy
                ip addr add  72.$j.$k.1/24 dev dummy${l}
                ifconfig dummy${l} up

and a counter script to delete them all:

k=$(ip link show | grep dummy | wc -l)
for (( j = 1; j <= k; j += 1))
        ip link del dev dummy${j}

Looking at v3.19:

# time ./tadd-dummy.sh

real    3m8.896s
user    0m7.104s
sys     0m22.020s

# time ./tdel-dummy.sh

real    7m18.207s
user    0m3.824s
sys     3m15.672s

And the time to delete 1 interface after all 10k have been created:
# time ip link del dev dummy6666

real    0m0.064s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.020s

Contrast those times with 4.2.0-rc3+ running the exact same scripts

# time ./tadd-dummy.sh

real    2m51.044s
user    0m7.220s
sys     0m29.520s

#  time ip link del dev dummy6666

real    0m0.441s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.416s

so here the time to delete 1 interface has gone up by more than 10x.

# time ./tdel-dummy.sh

real    14m10.000s
user    0m0.528s
sys     13m14.728s

I killed the delete; after 14 minutes only ~2k+ interfaces had been deleted:

# ip link show | grep dummy | wc -l

In 4.2.0-rc3 it seems to take about 60 seconds to delete 150 interfaces which is inline with the 1 interface time of 0.4 seconds.

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