On 15.12.2015 21:26, Tom Herbert wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Hannes Frederic Sowa
> <han...@stressinduktion.org> wrote:
>> udp tunnel offloads tend to aggregate datagrams based on inner
>> headers. gro engine gets notified by tunnel implementations about
>> possible offloads. The match is solely based on the port number.
>> Imagine a tunnel bound to port 53, the offloading will look into all
>> DNS packets and tries to aggregate them based on the inner data found
>> within. This could lead to data corruption and malformed DNS packets.
>> While this patch minimizes the problem and helps an administrator to find
>> the issue by querying ip tunnel/fou, a better way would be to match on
>> the specific destination ip address so if a user space socket is bound
>> to the same address it will conflict.
> I don't know... seems like this is more likely to add code into the
> critical path rather than solve a problem impacting anyone yet. No
> other GRO code needs to be namespace aware and none of these fancy HW
> offloads for UDP encapsulations are going to care anything about
> namespaces.

HW encapsulation actually already respects namespaces, they only iterate
over the net_devices in the namespace the tunnel is created in to push
down the udp port information.

I would like to extend this to destination addresses, too. I am not sure
this is possible and if hw offloads actually corrupt packets.

> I think you point out the real underlying problem though, the UDP
> offloads are restricted only be done by destination port and nothing
> else. A more flexible method would be to allow matching on based
> addresses, four tuples, interfaces etc. (latter may be needed to
> offload connected UDP).

With net namespaces a quadruple does not uniquely identify a socket
anymore, as different netns could have the same ip address bound. So
separation by netns seems to be the first and easy implementable
solution to protect against those problems. I am already working to push
the local address to gro, too.


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