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Today's Topics:

   1. neighbor map database errors: "cannot take logarithm of zero"
      (Chris Stromsoe)
--- Begin Message --- Neighbor maps are failing for my install. I'm currently running 2.39.20. I first noticed the failure with 2.39.17 and then upgraded. I'm not sure when they were last working.

~/logs/netdisco-web.log has:

[13811] 2018-04-03 18:36:16 error request to GET /ajax/data/device/netmap crashed: 
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::Pg::st execute 
failed: ERROR:  cannot take logarithm of zero [for Statement "SELECT me.ip, 
me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, 
me.layers, me.ports, me.mac, me.serial, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, 
me.ps1_status, me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log, 
me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.vtp_domain, me.last_discover, 
me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char(me.creation, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), 
to_char(last_arpnip,   'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), to_char(last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD 
HH24:MI'), to_char(last_macsuck,  'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), extract(epoch from 
(age(now(), me.creation))), extract(epoch from (age(now(), last_arpnip))), 
extract(epoch from (age(now(), last_discover))), extract(epoch from (age(now(), 
last_macsuck))), replace(age(timestamp 'epoch!
' + uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01 
00:00:00-00')::text, 'mon', 'month'), floor(log( FROM device 
me  JOIN (  SELECT ip,
         sum( COALESCE(dpp.raw_speed,1) ) as total
  FROM device_port
  LEFT OUTER JOIN device_port_properties dpp USING (ip, port)
  WHERE port !~* 'vlan'
    AND (type IS NULL OR type !~* 
    AND (name IS NULL OR name !~* 'vlan')
  ORDER BY total DESC, ip ASC
) throughput ON throughput.ip = me.ip"] at 
/opt/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Web/Plugin/Device/ line 195

The problem is caused by a handful of devices returning a value of 0 for dpp.raw_speed causing the COALESCE() to return 0 and the log() to fail.

Modifying line 14 in perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/DB/Result/Virtual/

as below with GREATEST(1, ...) around the sum() to ensure a minimum value of 1 for the value of total solves the problem for me:

 12 __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->view_definition(<<ENDSQL
 13   SELECT ip,
 14          GREATEST(1, sum( COALESCE(dpp.raw_speed,1) )) as total
 15   FROM device_port
 16   LEFT OUTER JOIN device_port_properties dpp USING (ip, port)
 17   WHERE port !~* 'vlan'
 18     AND (type IS NULL OR type !~* 
 19     AND (name IS NULL OR name !~* 'vlan')
 20   GROUP BY ip
 21   ORDER BY total DESC, ip ASC


--- End Message ---
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