On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 09:56:33AM +0000, Gianni Tedesco wrote:
> Hi,
> Am i right in assuming match checkentry functions should be totally
> reentrant? What about on UP systems? I read in ip_tables.c (iirc) that 2
> packets can be traversing iptables for each CPU.
> Currently the skip/shift tables are implemented as a global variable,
> they are too big to go on the stack. If I do one global variable per
> cpu, will this make it SMP safe?

I haven't read the code, but why are the skip/shift tables not part of the

all ip_tables are replicated for each cpu, resulting in the match/target
info structures within the rules also be replicated over all cpus.

So if you kepp all data in your per-rule data structure, nothing evil should

> // Gianni Tedesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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