Joerg Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 12:10:09PM +1000, Rusty Russell wrote:
> > > If their firewall reboots and is running iptables and thus Linux: How
> > > long will it be down?
> > 
> > 120 seconds to reboot with a fixed kernel...
> Umm, OK, I shouldn't have compared the reboot time of my desktop pc
> with a tuned firewall/router pc.

You call 120 seconds tuned?
My Linux firewall at home is up with forwarding and SSH-server running
20 seconds after hitting the reset button...

> telnet/ssh/... depend on whether you are
> actively doing something when the connection goes down. If you do,
> even two minutes is too long ususally. Either your app has thrown
> you out with a ping timeout etc, or the user will become impatient
> and kill the connection anyway.

Wrong. I always have several ssh-sessions, often with tunnels,
which I really prefer not to restart even if the network goes down
for several minutes.

  Marcus Sundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  | Firewalls with SIP & NAT
 Firewall Developer, Ingate Systems AB |

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