2002-06-20 17:36:11+0200, Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ->
> Any proposal on what do do about it?
> The problems I see when making iptables rulesets are
>   * There is no distinction between terminal actions, jumps and 
> modifiers/nonterminal actions, all three look the same but are conceptually 
> quite different. Most of you have seen this problem with the LOG target, but 
> there is several other examples.
>   * Only one modifier or target can be applied per rule. I.e. it is impossible 
> to LOG, MARK and ACCEPT in the same rule, to do all three three rules is 
> currently needed.
> As a workaround to the problem of not having a distinction beteen "modifiers" 
> and targets it has been proposed to recode the LOG target as a match, but 
> this does not feel right to me, and there is several other "non-terminal 
> targets" sharing the same problem. Having modifiers implemented as matches 
> gives a ugly dependency on ordering within the rule.
> My proposal on how to deal with this is for the future is to
>   1. Introduce the concept of a modifier. A modifier is something that 
> modifies some aspect of the packet or netfilter but does not in itself make 
> any verdict on the packet. Examples of suitable modifiers are MARK, CONNMARK, 
> ECN, LOG etc.. This would make a rule consist of 1. IP match data. 2. list of 
> matches. 3. list of modifiers. 4. action.
>   2. Introduce a virtual JUMP action or flag for jumping to a custom chain 
> only. This can be done today to workaround the problem of custom chains 
> colliding with modules by only extending the userspace syntax with a way to 
> explicitly indicate a jump to a custom chain as this is only a limitation of 
> the userspace component.

A very good idea with the "modifiers". However i do not feel that LOG is a
modifer. Its neither a match. More like an action, action as what action
mean as a word. You want to use action as the same thing as -j is today
(correct?). The name modifier will collide with match as they both begins
with m (the -m option).

May instead propose to take the name "action". And keep the -j TARGET name.

1. IP match data
2. A list of matches
3. (If 1 and 2 all matches) A list of actions. (LOG, MARK, CONNMARK).
4. An optional target. Can be this virtual JUMP.


iptables -A INPUT -s \
 -m limit --limit 5/s   -m unclean --unlean-option \
 -a Log --log-prefix    -a Mark --mark-option \
 -j JUMP --jump-chain my_own_chain

'-a' is unused today as well. Note that i did start all Actions with a
capital and the rest lowercase.

I guess however this is all due to iptables (pkttables?) for kernel 2.5.

/Joakim Axelsson A.K.A Gozem@EFnet & OPN

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