Hi Florian,

Lets start with iptables setting

iptables -t mangle


pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination 
3709K  204M MARK       all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere    
         MARK and 0xfffff
37  6952 CONNMARK   all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere       
      CONNMARK restore mask 0xfff00000
0     0 MARK       udp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere        
     match .... and MARK xset 0xabc00000/0xfff00000         
    5   308 CONNMARK   all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere    
         CONNMARK save mask 0xfff00000

For the first packet of 'a' flow we mark the packet with fwmark = ct->mark.

ip rule

then direct traffic using such fwmark.

250:    from all fwmark 0xabc lookup TABLE

However, we also implemented firewall feature, packet inspection feature.... 
etc to use fwmark at the same time.

which makes such 32 bit far more occupied than ct->mark (32)..

Hopefully this can help!

Please let me know if this confuses you..

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