I am trying to autoload <via kmod> some modules from iptables,
specifically ip_conntrack_h323.o. I can load it manually, but to do it
automatically I need to have the correct info. in my /etc/modules.rc file.
If anyone else uses this method of module loading and can help me with my
options I would be very grateful.

The rest of iptables seems to load OK without any options in my
modules.conf file which makes me think I might be using the module
wrongly. I simply expect it to autoload when an h323 connection is made.
In my rules I just use:

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

Someone please correct me if this is not the case.
The modules which I have loaded are:


I have checked the files in the source, the FAQ's and archives but can't
find anything on how to do this. I also saw someone else with the same
trouble, but their question went unanswered.

Many thanks for any help,

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