Hi Sara,
Glad that the shape file issue was resolved.
For queries such as the one copied below, we suggest users send to 
netlogo-us...@yahoogroups.com, a much larger group of users, who can answer 
such questions.

All the Best,


Uri Wilensky

> On Apr 4, 2018, at 4:57 AM, Sara Alonso Vicario <saralonsovica...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am working on a model in NetLogo to move citizens around a city to 
> different places in different schedules. I just starting and I am trying to 
> move the citizens which particular characteristics to a patch grey (that 
> represents a work area). However, I have a problem with the 
> find-day-activities command. The error is the following: You can not use 
> find-day-activities in observer context, because find-day-activities is 
> turtles only.
> I already checked on internet solutions and I know it is related to the 
> context, for this reason, I included ask citizens command to Do_7AM_9AM, 
> start-movement and move-work to move from turtle context to observer context 
> but the error persists.
> Here is my code, someone could help me?
> Thank you in advance,
> Sara
> to go
> set-timekeeper
> find-day-activities
> end
> to set-timekeeper
> tick ;Advances the tick counter by one and updates all plots.
> let counter ticks ;Reports the current value of the tick counter.
>   if (counter = 1) [set timekeeper 1] ;Before 7:00 AM
>   if (counter = 2) [set timekeeper 2] ;From 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM
>   if (counter = 3) [set timekeeper 3] ;From 9:00 AM to 13:00 PM
>   if (counter = 4) [set timekeeper 4] ;From 13:00 AM to 14:30 PM
>   if (counter = 5) [set timekeeper 5] ;From 14:30 AM to 17:00 PM
>   if (counter = 6) [set timekeeper 6] ;From 17:00 AM to 20:30 PM
>   if (counter = 7) [set timekeeper 7] ;After 20:30 PM
> end
> to find-day-activities
> if (timekeeper = 2) [Do_7AM_9AM]
> end
> to Do_7AM_9AM
> ask citizens 
> [start-movement]
> if (sex = 0 and age = 1 and employment = 0 and household-size = 0) [move-work]
> end
> to start-movement
> ask citizens
> [let nearest-node min-one-of nodes [distance myself]
> set slocation nearest-node
> move-to slocation]
> end
> to move-work
> ask citizens 
> [let work-patches (patch-set patches with [pcolor = grey])
> let new-location one-of [link-neighbors] of (patch-set patches with [pcolor = 
> grey])
> move-to new-location
> set slocation new-location]
> end 
> -- 
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