
given the discussion at IETF 94, here is what I think where we are
with resolving the last call comments (I am following the structure of
Martin's IETF 94 slides). It would be nice to close the remining open
ones as soon as possible so that Martin can produce -09.  Once we have
-09, we will have a second WG last call so that people can do a final
check whether the edits from -07 to -09 address all the comments that
were raised in a satisfying manner.

If you disagree with any of the following, please raise your voice.

- New function: if-feature and default

  I think the resolution is to disallow default values that are
  depending on a feature.

- New function: accessible tree in when

  I think the resolution is to adopt the proposed solution.

- Old function: augment mandatory nodes

  I think this is moving towards relaxing the MUST NOT rules and
  to allow mandatory nodes in 'safe' augmentations.

- Old function: unique module names

  I think the resolution is to adopt the compromise solution.

- New feature: non-unique config false leaf-lists

  It is unclear where we are with this. While there was some
  discussion at IETF 94, there was no clear indication whether this
  change should be done or not. More input would be welcome.

- New feature: keyless lists and non-unique leaf-lists in config

  This seems to be dead.

- New feature: change semantics of the choice and when statements

  This seems to be dead.

- Old function: make auto-delete for choice and when non-NETCONF specific

  Revision -08 of YANG 1.1 defines auto-deletion as a property of the
  NETCONF edit-config operation and the issue is whether this
  auto-deletion behaviour is a NETCONF specific edit-config property
  or a general YANG datastore validation property that equally applies
  to RESTCONF, COMI, ...

  It is unclear where we are with this. More input would be welcome.


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>

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