[As a contributor]

Hi Benoit,

Thank you for your proactive AD review.  Below are my responses to your 

>- Editorial: I see many instances of (see term) or (see terms).
>This doesn't add any value IMO.
>If there are some chance for misinterpretation of those terms, 
>capitalize the terms specified in the terminology section.

I removed “(see term[s])” from my local copy.  I view this as an editorial 

>- Any reason why the "backwards compatibility" (section 3) is not 
>numbered as a requirement in section 4?  I.e. a new requirement 5. Or is 
>it because it's a special requirement?
>Numbering all the requirements might ease the comparison of the 3 
>different proposed solutions.

FWIW, the Backwards Compatibility section was not initially incorporated into 
the Requirements section because it seemed more like an implicit/generic 
requirement, not a solution-specific requirement.   That said, I have to agree 
that it would help reviews.  For instance, when trying to determine how a 
solution satisfies each requirement, it would be easier to have “Backwards 
Compatibility” folded into the Requirements “tree”, rather than having to call 
it out special.  So, if no one objects, I will make this change tomorrow.

>- There is a requirement in asynchronous configuration operations 
>        Once applied, there MUST be a mechanism for the client
>        to determine when the request has completed processing and
>        whether the intended config is now fully effective or there are
>        any errors from applying the configuration change, which could be
>        from an asynchronous notification or via a client operation.
>Why isn't it a numbered requirement in section 4?

Good point, it does read like a requirement more so than a term.   I note that 
requirement 2-B has overlap with the "or via a client operation" clause, so I 
think it makes sense to move this text into requirement 2-B.  Again, if no one 
objects, I will make this change tomorrow.

Thanks again,

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