Dear all,

I understood from the chairs that draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json is now ready and that the write-up will be completed end of this week.
In order to speed up the publication, here is my AD review.

- Editorial:

   This document defines encoding rules for representing configuration,
   state data, RPC operation or action input and output parameters, and
   notifications defined using YANG as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

"RPC operation or action input and output parameters"
", or ... and, " it's always complicated.
Why not only "RPC operation or action"?

At the very minimum "input and output parameters" to "input/output parameters"

Same remark for section 1.1

   The specification of YANG 1.1 data modelling language
[I-D.ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis <>] defines only XML encoding for data
   instances, i.e., contents of configuration datastores, state data,
   RPC operation or action input and output parameters, and event

If you want to extend, also fine.

   The specification of YANG 1.1 data modelling language
[I-D.ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis <>] defines only XML encoding for data
   instances, i.e., contents of configuration datastores, state data,
   RPC operation input and output parameters, action input and output
   parameters, and event notifications.

Btw, "RPC", "action" and "input and output parameters" are only mentioned in the abstract and this introduction, not anymore in the body of the document. There is nothing specific to these worth noting? Not even an example?

- Editorial

In the introduction, you might want to complete the last sentence

   The specification of YANG 1.1 data modelling language
[I-D.ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis <>] defines only XML encoding for data
   instances, i.e., contents of configuration datastores, state data,
   RPC operation or action input and output parameters, and event
   notifications.  The aim of this document is to define rules for
   encoding the same data as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
   text [RFC7159 <>].

   The specification of YANG 1.1 data modelling language
[I-D.ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis <>] defines only XML encoding for data
   instances, i.e., contents of configuration datastores, state data,
   RPC operation or action input and output parameters, and event
   notifications.  The aim of this document is to define rules for
   encoding the same data as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
   text [RFC7159 <>], most precisely the 
Internet JSON (I-JSON) restricted
   profile [RFC7493 <>].

section 2:

The following terms are defined in [I-D.ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis <>]:

   o  identity,

There is no identity definition in the RFC 6020 terminology section.
Are you referring to the identity statement, ?

- Editorial.

        An object member name MUST be in one of the following forms:
        A JSON object member name MUST be encoded in one of the following forms:

  module foomod {


     prefix "foo";

     container top {
       leaf foo {
         type uint8;

Use "example-" in the module name, as mentioned 

       Example modules are non-normative, and SHOULD be named with the
       prefix "example-".

Same remark for module barmod (and btw, pay attention to the "import foomod") and module exmod

- Editorial (Appendix A):

   The "if-mib" feature defined in the "ietf-
   interfaces" module is considered to be active.

   The "if-mib" feature defined in the "ietf-
   interfaces" module is supported.

Regards, Benoit
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