On 01/09/2017 11:32 PM, Andy Bierman wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Alex Campbell
> <alex.campb...@aviatnet.com <mailto:alex.campb...@aviatnet.com>> wrote:
>     I don't see how a "when" statement modified by a deviation is any
>     more complicated to implement than a "when" statement outside of a
>     deviation - presuming that augments and deviations are processed
>     before "when" statements.
> augments and deviations are processed once when the module is loaded.
> A when-stmt is processed anytime the value of the XPath boolean result
> changes. 

Right, but that also means that processing a 'deviate add { when ... }'
would occur only once, after which the cost would be the same as if that
when statement was present in the original definition.

In any case, the same effect can be achieved by deviate-adding an
appropriate must statement -- which seems appropriate, as presumably you
want to restrict the leaf from becoming 'true' rather than enforce it
not being available at all.


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