On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Juergen Schoenwaelder <
j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 09:19:54AM -0800, Andy Bierman wrote:
> >
> > YANG statements:
> >    - It is not possible to define these statements so they are different
> > for config and oper
> >       - must
> >       - when
> >       - unique
> >       - key
> >       - min-elements
> >       - max-elements
> >       - leafref (path)
> >       - if-feature
> >       - deviation
> >       - type (or any sub-statements of type-stmt)
> >       - status
> >       - description
> >       - reference
> Considering statements that constraint 'values', it is not entirely
> clear to me what they mean for state nodes. If a server has
> operational state that violates a must or range or ... constraint in
> the YANG model, what is the server expected to do?

The client uses the YANG validation to check on what the server is sending.
The server is buggy if it is sending data that violates YANG constraints.
If any of these statements need to be different for config and oper
then the old style YANG has to be used instead.

> /js


> --
> Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
> Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
> Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>
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