in RFC 7950, The last paragraph, section 5.1.1 "Import and Include by Revision" states:

"If a module is not imported with a specific revision, it is undefined which revision is used."

But I was wondering if the above text is misleading, since section 5.6.5: "Implementing a Module" has the following two paragraphs:

   If a server implements a module A that imports a module C without
   specifying the revision date of module C and the server does not
   implement C (e.g., if C only defines some typedefs), the server MUST
   list module C in the "/modules-state/module" list from
   "ietf-yang-library" [RFC7895 <>], and it 
MUST set the leaf
   "conformance-type" to "import" for this module.

   If a server lists a module C in the "/modules-state/module" list from
   "ietf-yang-library" and there are other modules Ms listed that import
   C without specifying the revision date of module C, the server MUST
   use the definitions from the most recent revision of C listed for
   modules Ms.

   The reason for these rules is that clients need to be able to know
   the specific data model structure and types of all leafs and
   leaf-lists implemented in a server.

This seems to imply that import without specifying the revision would mean that the latest revision listed in ietf-yang-library must be the one that is imported. Is that correct, or am I misinterpreting the text? Hence, should the last paragraph of section 5.1.1 be deleted?

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