Hi Benoit,

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Benoit Claise <bcla...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Hi Alia,
> Now that you are back from vacation...
>> Alia Atlas has entered the following ballot position for
>> charter-ietf-netmod-08-05: Yes
>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
>> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
>> introductory paragraph, however.)
>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-netmod/
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I do think that it would be helpful for this charter to discuss some of
>> the
>> needed WG interactions.  In particular, where encodings of YANG are
>> defined elsewhere (i.e. draft-ietf-core-yang-cbor-04), there should be
>> coordination of the impact of changes to the YANG language.
> We could debate whether draft-ietf-core-yang-cbor should have been in core
> or netmod.
> I propose to treat this doc. as the exception, and to keep the guideline
> that mappings should be done in NETMOD.

Sure - but having an indication of other WGs to coordinate with would be

>   Another question is where do you see the discussion of device profiles
>> or sets of YANG modules needed to meet a particular purpose going? To
>> me, this doesn't read as in scope for this charter and yet I don't think
>> that
>> we've thought through the right place for them.  I'm ok with continued
>> discussion for routing-related ones in RTGWG - but not all device
>> profiles
>> (i.e. a profile of modules needed for a firewall) belong anywhere near
>> Routing.
> Good point for the profiles.
> For the top of the rack switch profile, RTGWG is the best place.
> I propose to add a sentence that will leave the door open for NETMOD
> The NETMOD WG may include work on YANG modules device profiles that do not
> otherwise fall under the charter of any other IETF working group.

That sounds good to me; I'm a bit concerned that NETMOD isn't the right
place for the profiles, but we don't have
a flood of them or a better place right now.


> Regards, Benoit
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