>> Could all the presenters please have a slide on their module's NMDA
>> compatibility status?  Things to consider:
>>  - is the operational state of configured values important?
>>  - is there is a need to support system generated entries?
>>  - note: if yes to either, the module SHOULD be NMDA-compatible.
>>          is it? - is there a "-state" tree in the Appendix?
>I find this confusing. I think modules should be default be
>NMDA-compatible. I also think -state trees should be avoided
>as much as possible. So the questions should be something like
> - Is the module NMDA-compatible? If not, why not?
> - Does the appendix include a -state tree? If so, why is
>   it necessary and how to transition away from it?

Yes, by all means, this is even more to the point.


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