On 10/24/2017 03:42 AM, Andy Bierman wrote:

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 4:57 AM, Vladimir Vassilev <vladi...@transpacket.com <mailto:vladi...@transpacket.com>> wrote:

    On 10/23/2017 01:35 PM, Martin Bjorklund wrote:

        Vladimir Vassilev <vladi...@transpacket.com
        <mailto:vladi...@transpacket.com>> wrote:


            I would like to use the occasion of this Errata report to
            point out
            some additional issues with the instance-identifier type

            IMO the instance-identifier built-in type has 2 additional
            that can be addressed with alternative and significantly
            more radical
            errata or fixed in a new version of YANG.:

            Problem 1: The obvious limitation inherited from Xpath 1.0
            - inability
            to escape single or double quote characters. In Xpath
            world this
            limitation is worked around by use of concat() which is
            not available
            in the YANG 1.1 instance-identifier definition. 2 examples
            of this

            1. It is impossible to create value of type
            referencing nodes in lists with key string values
            containing both a
            single and a double quote characters e.g.
            valid string!"</name></interface>.

            2. Another example of the same problem would be a leaf of type
            instance-identifier referencing another leaf of type
            instance-identifier. With 2 references it works provided
            one is
            encoded with single quotes and the other with double but it is
            impossible to create third e.g.


                 list id-list {
                   key "id";

                   leaf id {
                       type instance-identifier;

Although the instance-identifier is problematic, it is rarely used at all,
let alone using it as a list key.
It is used as a key in ietf-alarms /alarms/alarm-list/alarm.

The XPath mixed-quotes problem is well-known, and the suggested
solution seems to be use the "concat" function

   /foo/bar[name=concat("It's a", ' "valiid" string')]

Not very user friendly, is it?
I think people naming their interfaces "It's a valid string!" can take it. Prettier escaping solutions are available e.g. C string but it will require more work then a line in the next YANG version RFC. IMO solution is needed either concat or an alternative one.

Practical reason: YANG 1.1 can not create instance-identifier to the alarm /alarms/alarm-list/alarm[... resource="/interfaces/interface[name='eth0']"]. And this is not the "That's a valid string!" named interface. The "That's a valid string!" interface alarms can not be reported as a valid ietf-alarms instance-identifier based resource alarm at all.


            * /top/id-list[id="/top/list[idx='4']"]

            * /top/id-list[id="/top/id-list[idx='/top/list[idx=4]'"]
            <assuming the
            * proposed errata is also in effect>

            * <next reference not possible with YANG 1.1>

            Problem 2: The instance-identifier type lacks canonical
            form (which
            makes it the only data type with implementation dependent
            representation at the data level ... think of the integer
            allowing optional spaces between the digits). This is in
            fact the only
            built-in data type that allows the server implementation
            to change the
            configuration data replacing double quotes with single or
            the other
            way around. Inserting white spaces where you did not have
            them when
            the configuration was submitted. You can not simply read a
            configuration and use fast data comparison without schema
            support just
            because of this type. This is useless flexibility for
            simple data

            And this can be fixed if:

            1. white spaces in instance-identifiers are prohibited

            2. list key predicates are required in alphabetical order

        Or perhaps use the order the keys are defined in the data
        model (the
        "keys" statement").

    This is an option but then the e.g. xpath2instid() function
    implementations will need schema support.

All the YANG tools I have seen generate the predicates in YANG key order.

If Xpath came with a canonical form definition (prohibiting spaces, redundant duplication of namespace prefixes in children, order of predicates, canonical quotation rule, and some flexibility as of the node prefix semantics) we would not need to have this discussion. Seems no other modeling language of hierarchical data has reusable instance-identifier datatype with the necessary properties and I can see this as something that can go in separate RFC specifying generic data type making canonic definition from Xpath that YANG can reuse. In that case the alphabetic order makes sense moving some constraints into the generic definition of the type one can validate without the context schema but it is not of significant importance.

The issue of canonical instance-identifier has been discussed many times,
and it is not possible to require the usage of specific prefixes in XML.
(Note that Lada fixed this for JSON in RFC 7951)

Only the string + expanded names can be properly compared in XML, not the literal string
representing the XPath expression.

I do not see the need of major rework just making the Xpath subset rules stricter with canonical requirement and either allowing concat() (also with canonic rule producing predictable result e.g. to be used only for escaping single quotes and prohibiting double quotes in predicates otherwise). Even with RFC7951 prefix rules added in the instance-identifier can still be a valid Xpath subset requiring trivial prefix replacements so that it can be used with non-YANG aware XML tools keeping that option open.




            3. strict quotation convention with escape option is
            added. (only
            3. contradicts the sec. 9.13 ".. instance-identifier is a
            subset of
            the XPath ..")

        I would like to change one more thing - I think it is
        unfortunate that
        the lexical representation depends on the lexical context;
        specifically that prefixes declared in the XML instance
        document is
        used.  This applies also to identityref.  YANG 2.0 should use
        the same
        encoding as JSON does for these datatypes.



            On 10/21/2017 08:16 PM, Andy Bierman wrote:

                On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 12:28 AM, Benoit Claise
                <bcla...@cisco.com <mailto:bcla...@cisco.com>
                <mailto:bcla...@cisco.com <mailto:bcla...@cisco.com>>>

                     Dear all,

                     Shall I validate this one?

                To add more context, this relates to the the RESTCONF
                JSON vs. XML
                discussions in the NETCONF WG.

                   leaf broken {
                       type union {
                         type int32;
                         type string;

                If all values of key leaf "broken" are sent as strings
                in an
                then the int32 value may not match in all
                implementations, instead of
                the string.
                Allowing numbers as literals in addition to quoted
                strings allows the
                to be specific, and all implementations to be consistent.

                     Regards, Benoit


                         The following errata report has been
                submitted for RFC7950,
                         "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language".

                         You may review the report below and at:

                         Type: Technical
                         Reported by: Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com

                         Section: 14

                         Original Text
                            key-predicate-expr  = node-identifier *WSP
                "=" *WSP

                         Corrected Text
                            key-predicate-expr  = node-identifier *WSP
                "=" *WSP
                                  (quoted-string / integer-value /

                         An instance identifier is forced to specify
                every key value to
                         be a string
                         even though the YANG key leaf type could be a
                numeric type.
                         XPath does not require a quoted string here,
                just YANG.

                         Old:  /top/list[idx="4"]
                         New: /top/list[idx=4]

                         This erratum is currently posted as
                "Reported". If necessary,
                         use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should
                be verified or
                         rejected. When a decision is reached, the
                verifying party
                         can log in to change the status and edit the
                report, if necessary.

                         RFC7950 (draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis-14)
                         Title               : The YANG 1.1 Data
                Modeling Language
                         Publication Date    : August 2016
                         Author(s)           : M. Bjorklund, Ed.
                         Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
                         Source              : NETCONF Data Modeling
                         Area                : Operations and Management
                         Stream              : IETF
                         Verifying Party     : IESG

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