Hi Tom,

On Wed, Feb 07, 2018 at 05:28:30PM -0000, t.petch wrote:
> Will the RFC Editor know that
>        reference "draft-ietf-netmod-rfc7223bis: A YANG Data Model
>                   for Interface Management";
> in
> draft-ietf-rtgwg-ni-model-09
> needs replacing by RFCxxxx when that I-D becomes an RFC?
> Normally, such a reference would be [draft-ietf-netmod-rfc7223bis] with
> the underlying HTML/XML anchor and automated tools can pick this up (I
> assume that the RFC Editor is well automated:-)
> But when the Normative Reference is in the text of a YANG module and
> there is no underlying anchor, will this get noticed and actioned?
> Or should there be a
> Note to RFC Editor
> attached to such references?

We should notice this as we read through the document (including the
description and reference text in the YANG module).  However, placing
a note within the document somewhere that acts as a reminder to update
the I-D string with the appropriate RFC number is never a bad thing. 

RFC Editor/sg

> Tom Petch

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