
Rohit Ranade <rohitrran...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Since the session management with Mounted devices, is not known to the
> client, how will the client know how to configure NACM rules for the
> inner devices ? Please provide an example use-case.
> From the client perspective, all rules for a particular mounted
> device, will the have the xpath of the corresponding mount-point as
> prefix.

Note that schema mount does not have any concept of "mounted devices"
or anything.  Schema mount is not involved in how data is instantiated
or how/where it is stored or produced.

I agree that we need to state that NACM rules cover mounted data


> With Regards,
> Rohit R
> Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> From: Ladislav Lhotka<mailto:lho...@nic.cz>
> Sent: 26 मार्च 2018 20:00
> To: Rohit Ranade<mailto:rohitrran...@outlook.com>;
> netmod@ietf.org<mailto:netmod@ietf.org>
> Subject: Re: [netmod] Comments on schema mount draft
> Rohit Ranade <rohitrran...@outlook.com> writes:
> > One more point.
> >
> > How to configure access control rules for the mounted models ?
> If you mean NACM from the viewpoint of the the parent tree, then I
> think
> the consensus was that it has to be specified in the parent tree,
> including rules for mounted data. This should probably be mentioned in
> the
> text.
> NACM data can also be present in the mounted tree, but it should be
> used
> only for the "internal" session in the case of split management, and
> ignored in the outer session.
> Lada
> >    I think in the "Security Considerations" section, we should highlight
> >    the need for
> >    configuring NACM rules before mounting the nodes. Else all information
> >    can be queried.
> >    1 example for rule configuration for notification and data-node will
> >    be helpful.
> >
> >
> > With Regards,
> >
> > Rohit R
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Rohit Ranade
> > <rohitrran...@outlook.com>
> > Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2018 12:46:25 PM
> > To: netmod@ietf.org
> > Subject: [netmod] Comments on schema mount draft
> >
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Please find some comments for the schema mount draft. If I find any
> > other will send in another mail.
> >
> > Editorial:
> > ============
> > 1. Section 3.1
> >    "The "mount-point" statement MUST NOT be used in a YANG version 1
> >    module."
> >    ==> It is unclear why such a restriction is placed..
> >
> > 2. Section 3.2
> >    "state data in the "yangmnt:schema-mounts""
> >    ==> Here the yang tree diagram is not yet introduced. I feel better to
> >    introduce
> >    this diagram as it makes it easier to understand the data-nodes
> >
> > 3. Section 3.2
> >    "Data in this container is intended to be as stable as data in the
> >    top-level YANG library"
> >    ==> What is the meaning of "as stable" as ? As a developer , I am
> >    unclear what needs
> >    to be done here. Please clarify.
> >
> > 4. Section 3.2
> >    "i.e., instances of that mount point MUST NOT contain any data above
> >    those that are defined in the parent schema."
> >    ==> Here "any data above", means "above" in the hieararchy ? Not
> >    clear, this is similar
> >    to having a USB slot, but no device mounted on it as yet in UNIX
> >    terms. Right ?
> >    The query output on parent-schema should give empty data.
> >
> > 5. Section 3.2
> >    "If multiple mount points with the same name are defined in the same
> >    module - either directly or because the mount point is defined in a
> >    grouping and the grouping is used multiple times - then the
> >    corresponding "mount-point" entry applies equally to all such mount
> >    points."
> >   ==> As per tree diagram, "mount-point" has two keys. So each module
> >   can have multiple
> >   mount points. So how to apply it "equally" ? Not clear.
> >
> > 6. Section 3.2
> >    Instead of "inline" and "shared-schema", I suggest to use
> >    "variable-schema" and
> >    "same-schema"
> >    Reason: The key difference between the two is that in one case, the
> >    schema MAY be different
> >    while in the other the schema is same. The name can be similar to the
> >    reason.
> >
> > Logical Point:
> > 1. Consider the topology where 1 main device is present with N logical
> > devices behind it.
> >    When the mounting is done, it is quite possible that some of N devices
> >    are having different
> >    versions of modules.
> >    This can lead to each instance of mount point, having different
> >    schema.
> >    How can the client understand the schema of each mount-point instance
> >    ? Preferably get-schema of these devices and then know the model ?
> >
> > With Regards,
> >
> > Rohit R
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> > netmod@ietf.org
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> --
> Ladislav Lhotka
> Head, CZ.NIC Labs
> PGP Key ID: 0xB8F92B08A9F76C67
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