
Just a few minor things found while going through the shepherd checklist. These 
won't block the write-up, but should be fixed before we submit for publication. 
 For now, the write-up will explain that these will be fixed, and I'll clear 
these comments as soon as an update is posted:

1) Obsolete normative reference: RFC 6536 should be RFC 8341

2) Outdated reference: draft-ietf-netmod-rfc7223bis has been published
   as RFC 8343

3) Outdated reference: draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams has been 
   published as RFC 8340

4) some artwork has the comment "[note: '\' line wrapping for formatting
   only]" even when there are no folded lines in the artwork.  [hint, 
   only use the ",<column>" version of the INSERT macro for artwork that
   you know contains a long line, or fix the macro to be smart enough to
   only insert the header when needed]

5) it is good to see that now the 'reference' statements now follow the
   "number: title" convention, but many of the "titles" are not the 
   actual title of the referenced draft, as they should be.

6) The document has examples using IPv4 documentation addresses according
   to RFC6890, but does not use any IPv6 documentation addresses.  Maybe
   there should be IPv6 examples, too?

7) I question if all the normative references are really normative. For
   instance, RFCs 3688, 5246, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6536, 8040 stand out as
   not needing to be normative.

8) Section 2, 1st paragraph: s/YANG/YANG 1.1/?


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