What about inner groupings? Are inner groupings supposed to be displayed if top-level ones are? If so, how? RFC7895 (YANG library module) is an example - if you choose to display but not to expand groupings, you may get "+---u"'s that refer to groupings which may never be part of the diagram.


On 23/10/2018 16:11, Martin Bjorklund wrote:

Jernej Tuljak <jernej.tul...@mg-soft.si> wrote:

am I reading RFC8340 correctly by assuming "input" and "output" nodes
are not to be part of tree diagrams and that instead input/output
parameters are now children to the "rpc" or "action" node,
distinguished solely via -w/ro flags?
I hope not, or that was not the intention anyway.

     +---x get-schema
        +---w identifier! string
        +---w version?    string
        +---w format?     identityref
        +--ro data?
pyang outputs

     +---x get-schema
        +---w input
        |  +---w identifier    string
        |  +---w version?      string
        |  +---w format?       identityref
        +--ro output
           +--ro data?   <anyxml>

Only "input parameters" and "output parameters" are mentioned, which
seems to suggest data node children of "input" and "output", but not
themselves. It also says nothing about which flag they receive, if
they are intended to appear.
Yes I can see how this could be clarified.


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